About us

Thank you for taking the time to explore our online tea store.  Our mission is simple - Provide a full spectrum of quality loose leaf teas at the lowest cost possible to our customers.  Our process of vacuum sealing small batches immediately after harvest and manufacturing preserves the original farm freshness.  This process allows the tea to be transported to the United States void of contaminates and degradation so our customers are always guaranteed fresh tea throughout the year. 

Imperial Tea Garden began as an import-export company in 1998.  The variety of products lacked focus and my partner and I began soul searching.  After traveling on business throughout Europe we returned to USA.   Staying in one of Chicago's finest hotels, I was amused at the absurd price and low quality of the tea served.  That is the moment that changed everything.  My background as a process engineer and involvement in supply chain management was coming full circle and going to be dedicated to one of my greatest passions - TEA! During the fall of 2003,  the concept of buying quality loose tea globally, then packaging and shipping it locally began.  On December 17, 2010 Imperial Tea Garden, LLC filed for trademark status and nearly one year later on December 20, 2011 officially received a registered trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark office.

Imperial Tea Garden® is proud to be a family owned and operated business located in Grand Rapids, MI.  Our dedication and passion for consuming quality loose leaf teas has directly translated into delivering customer satisfaction through quality products and fast delivery directly to your home and business.


Roman Bohatch

President & CEO


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